Creating Django models of an existing Database

Django’s Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) is a powerful feature that allows you to interact with your database using Python code instead of writing raw SQL queries. The Django ORM provides a high-level, Pythonic interface for querying and manipulating data in your database. We will use this feature of the Django framework to create Django models using an existing database.

Step 1: Set Up Your Django Project

If you haven’t already set up a Django project, you can do so with the following commands:

django-admin startproject myproject
cd myproject
django-admin startapp myapp

Step 2: Configure Your Database Settings

Edit the file in your Django project to configure the database settings. Make sure to replace the placeholders with your actual database credentials.

# myproject/

    'default': {
        'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql',  # or 'django.db.backends.mysql etc.
        'NAME': 'your_database_name',
        'USER': 'your_database_user',
        'PASSWORD': 'your_database_password',
        'HOST': 'your_database_host',
        'PORT': 'your_database_port',

Step 3: Run the inspectdb Command

Use the inspectdb command to generate models based on your existing database schema. This command will output the model definitions to the standard output.

python inspectdb > myapp/

This command will create a file in your myapp directory with the generated models.


By following these steps, you can convert an existing database to Django models using the inspectdb command. This process allows you to leverage Django’s powerful ORM and admin interface to manage your database more effectively.

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